Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 16; Ecclesiastes 12 Are we dealing with an angry God? Are we abandoned in our sin? More and more, I’m asking the Lord for revelation on what the Gospel is and what it isn’t. The more I press in, the more I see that we have gotten off track—off in our understanding, […]

April 22, 2024

Embracing Repentance: Unveiling the True Nature of God’s Love

In 2008, God brought intercessors together from all over Colorado Springs and beyond. In what can only be described as a sovereign move of the Spirit, 90 days were set apart for 24/7 worship and prayer. This city hosted the presence of God, and many lives were changed, and hearts were marked. It all began […]

March 21, 2024

Colorado Springs and the 90 Days: Are We in a Full Circle Moment?

Ezekiel 1-2; 2 Corinthians 6; Proverbs 14 I love when our chapters overlap in their theme, and today’s reading definitely does. In the book of Ezekiel, we are immediately brought into a heavenly encounter. The glory of God descends, and Ezekiel is apprehended by the call of God. His call wasn’t just a good idea. […]

March 19, 2024

Answering the Call: A Blueprint for Modern Prophets

1 Kings 15-16; Romans 10; Psalm 136 I’m getting home late from our Wednesday Night service. I usually try to stay ahead in our reading by at least a day, so I’m writing this post on Valentine’s Day. Tonight, God showed up. I tend not to exaggerate when describing meetings. In fact, I often lean […]

February 15, 2024

Reviving Your First Love: Rekindling Passion for God

Leviticus 12-13; Matthew 25; Psalm 121 The trouble with accusation is that it doesn’t reveal what we think it does. It doesn’t reveal the other; it doesn’t indict the other; it exposes our own heart. Our accusations expose us. A.W. Tozer said, “What you think about God is the most important thing about you.” And […]

January 29, 2024

Accusing God: Admitting the Unspoken Struggles of Faith

Leviticus 6-7; Matthew 22; Psalm 118 Have you ever tried to plan something or include people in a project who just couldn’t care less? It’s painful. Painful because maybe you thought there was initial excitement. Painful because you believed there was initial agreement. Painful because you spent lots of time and energy preparing for some […]

January 25, 2024

Answering God’s Call: Navigating Life’s Rejections and Divine Invitations

Leviticus 4-5; Matthew 21; Psalm 117 I had never been to church. That is, until my parents became believers. I was about 9 years old when they gave their lives to the Lord. I can still remember the service. I remember the room, the arrangement of the pews, and where we sat. It was a […]

January 24, 2024

Rethinking Jesus: Unveiling the Surprising, Untamed Side of Christ

It’s official! I have accepted a role to pastor a new campus in Colorado Springs!! We’re so excited and have been longing to tell you. We waited until the church made the announcement yesterday, and now we’re heralding the news. This is a dream come true in so many ways. First off, some of our dearest […]

December 11, 2023

Embracing a New Chapter: First Love Revolution Church in Colorado Springs

We need to come back to the fundamentals—the close-in stuff. We need to look at the way we live and the way we love. I wonder if most of our prophetic mandates and assignments have more to do with pursuing distraction than we want to admit. Our desire to do something important, to be part […]

December 5, 2023

Rediscovering First Love: A Journey Back to Basics in Faith and Service

Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God and to know and experience Jesus Christ as the Son whom You have sent. — John 17:3 Prayer isn’t a subgroup or some department of the church. Relating to God is the whole point. Experiencing God is the big picture. Eternal life […]

September 20, 2023

Experiencing God

Leah Ramirez and her faithful companion, Wyatt, finding peace through prayer on the side of a highway.