Exodus 16-17; Matthew 11; Psalm 107 One of the most remarkable concepts in all of the Word, for me, is God’s command to take a Sabbath. He commands Israel to rest. I don’t know if we can imagine the utter shock of that call. Consider the context: The people of Israel have been enslaved for […]
Exodus 14-15; Matthew 10; Psalm 106 Deliverance is dangerous business! Coming out of slavery, being chased down by your angry captors, is not for the faint of heart. Of course, you already know that! I know you remember those days when you were finally and suddenly liberated from some addiction that had nearly destroyed your […]
Genesis 38; Matthew 9; Psalm 105 What is the Gospel to you? Surely, we preach Christ, and Christ crucified! This is our message. This is our invitation and door of access. This is our union. Because our Jesus did not just die for us, but as us, the veil of separation has been torn. We […]
January 9 Genesis 36-37; Matthew 8; Psalm 104 Matthew 8:10 ESV “When Jesus heard this, He marveled and said to those who followed Him, ‘Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith.’ It’s almost hard to fathom, but our Jesus can marvel. He can be brought to wonder. The […]
January 8 Genesis 34-35; Matthew 7; Psalm 103 “Who is waiting on whom? Are you waiting on God, or is God waiting on you?” Years ago, I received a special invitation to attend a gathering featuring a wise, nearly 100-year-old man who would speak about Jesus. As we entered a small, intimate living room, about […]
Day 6 – January 6 Genesis 32-33 / Matthew 6, Psalm 102 Do you struggle with anxiety? Jesus dedicated a significant portion of His most famous message from the mount to address worry, anxiety, and concern. In one of His most crucial public addresses, He delved into the topic of how to deal with anxiety. […]
Day 5 – January 5Genesis 30, 31; Matthew 5; Psalm 101 Can we demand justice? Anyone who thinks Jesus is some weak, cardboard-like, soft, pansy of a man has not been properly introduced. Even a brief perusal of the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5, reveals that our Jesus is a revolutionary. He […]
Day 4 – January 4 Genesis 28,29; Matthew 4; Psalm 100 Often, we approach the scriptures as if they were merely a historical account. This perspective, though common, overlooks the dynamic and living nature of God’s Word. The Bible, vibrant and active, is not just a record of the past but a guide for the […]
Day 3 – January 3Genesis 26, 27; Matthew 3; Psalm 99 We often reduce the Gospel to a mere history lesson, but this approach does it a great disservice. Indeed, Jesus, the Son of God, walked among us in the flesh, revealing our Father’s nature and sacrificing His life on the cross – not only […]
Day 2 – January 2Genesis 3-25, Matthew 2, Psalm 98 Have you ever fervently prayed for something, only to find that God’s answer plunges you into greater turmoil than you anticipated? I’ve experienced times when receiving exactly what I prayed for left me more baffled than ever before. God’s answers sometimes prompt more questions than […]