Ezekiel 23-24; Ephesians 4; Proverbs 25
Happy Resurrection Day! Jesus is alive!! Death couldn’t hold Him, and it can’t hold us either. On that glorious note, let’s look at this:
Ephesians 4
22 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds, 24 and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
We get to exchange garments, taking off the old self, and coming into the Person of Christ, our new self. Talk about an upgrade! How do we do it? Paul tells us to be “renewed in the spirit of our minds.”
We’ve all heard sermons about reading our Bibles to get at this renewal. And we know we need to guard our thoughts. You know I’m passionate about reading the Word and encouraging everyone I can to devote themselves to the scriptures. That being said, we all know people who know the Bible backwards and forwards, who have no discernible fruit of the Spirit. Well, at least I do. So, there has to be more to it than getting in the Word. This renewal is about coming into the revelation of what is being expressed on the pages. It’s not just the information, but the experience of entering into what is being expressed, that transforms us.
Take prayer. We can get in a room and close the door and speak some words to the air and nothing happens. Our prayers aren’t answered and we aren’t changed. We have to direct our prayers to “Our Father.” (Matthew 6). The point of prayer is not the discipline of saying words out loud, but connecting and relating to the One who hears and loves us. When we begin to relate, when we begin to enter into that dialogue, we are changed. We are renewed.
We are learning how to “put on the new self.” There is a life in God that is so glorious, so victorious, so full of real communion with our God, that Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians keeps referencing. It goes beyond church attendance, and rote prayer. It goes beyond trying to be good. This life in God, this union with Christ, is beyond what most of us have ever dreamed. And it’s for us. The invitation for us to enter into this, is here for us.
I started something with my friend, Chris Berglund. He had a dream some time ago, that we’ve been pondering, and I knew the moment I heard it that God was calling me into it. Calling me to help bring it all together. It’s related to what we’re talking about today from Ephesians 4. This idea that there has to be more than just “being a good Christian.” That the goal of God is for us to learn how to live in Christ, from the new self.
The dream from Chris was highlighting the Lord’s Prayer with the witness of Psalm 23 and John 17. We feel the Lord calling us back to the beauty and simplicity of taking communion and praying the Lord’s Prayer – as families, with friends, and in solitude, the Lord is calling us into union with Christ. So, we’ve been doing this. Together as families, in our staff meetings, alone in our prayer times, we’ve been doing these Prayer Altars.
I’ve been sharing about this in our church, and now most of our families are beginning to pray and take communion together. We are seeing marriages restored and prodigals return. Our friendships are growing in depth. Our conversations are changing. Because we are being changed. We are learning how to commune with Jesus. We are learning how to put on the new self. Our intercession is more conversational in nature because we are hearing our God and responding with our agreement.
I’m passionate about this. I’m passionate about how the Lord is moving in our community here in Colorado Springs. I was just invited to come share about what we are seeing God do at a large event for moms, and I could not be more encouraged about it. I am hopeful that as we move from the mindset of just saying words, as we become renewed in our thinking, that the goal is union, the goal is connection, our prayer life will set our whole course on fire.
I’d love for you to join us. You can create a Prayer Altar of your own as a family, with a spouse, a friend, or even with just you and the Lord. You can visit PrayerAltars.com or register here now to get your Prayer Altars Prayer Guide.
Chris and I will be creating more content surrounding the themes of communion and intercession which will also be housed on the site. We’d love for you to join us there and be part of this new community that God is bringing together.
No matter the time of year, it’s never too late to start reading through the Bible with us. We invite you to join our community and embark on this enriching experience. You can access the reading schedule here to get started today. Explore the timeless wisdom of Scripture, grow in your faith, and engage in meaningful discussions with fellow readers. Don’t miss out on this incredible journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.
Embark on a transformative journey with us by joining our mailing list. As a subscriber, you’ll receive heartfelt devotionals, insightful updates, and inspiration. Together, we’ll deepen our faith, connect on a deeper level, and embrace life’s beauty. Don’t miss out on this chance to be part of our close-knit community. Let’s start this faith-filled journey together. Subscribe today and let’s go after God with all of our hearts.
Additionally, we are excited to introduce “Prayer Altars” — our new initiative that embodies the belief that prayer alters our reality! In these intimate groups of 2-3, we’re fostering a revival in our everyday lives and surroundings. Our mission is to cultivate deeper connections with God and each other, united in communion and guided by the Lord’s Prayer. Build your Prayer Altar to experience firsthand how prayer can transform not just your life, but also the lives of those around you. Learn more and join the movement here.