Ezekiel 23-24; Ephesians 4; Proverbs 25 Happy Resurrection Day! Jesus is alive!! Death couldn’t hold Him, and it can’t hold us either. On that glorious note, let’s look at this: Ephesians 422 to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, 23 and to […]

April 1, 2024

Reviving Your Spirit: How Prayer Altars Ignite Renewal in Christ

Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God and to know and experience Jesus Christ as the Son whom You have sent. — John 17:3 Prayer isn’t a subgroup or some department of the church. Relating to God is the whole point. Experiencing God is the big picture. Eternal life […]

September 20, 2023

Experiencing God

Leah Ramirez and her faithful companion, Wyatt, finding peace through prayer on the side of a highway.