Guest Devotional Post- Katherine Brey
Ezekiel 9-10, 2 Corinthians 10, Proverbs 18
You may have heard the saying, “No one likes a know-it-all.” In other words, people who believe there is no room for growth or gaining further knowledge are people who have never read Proverbs 18-
v. 15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out. (NIV)
One of the most undervalued traits a person could have is the skill of teachability. To have a teachable spirit is one who recognizes areas of deficiency of knowledge and wisdom, one who seeks through humility to grow and develop. A person who embraces teachability understands that life becomes more of the “we” aspect and less about the “me.”
What’s most interesting in today’s world is how much access we have to information, yet we’ve become a society dim to truth and godly instruction. Through the advancement of the internet and social media, a new term has been floating around for a while regarding pastors who have risen to such a status they are now touted as “celebrity pastors.” I don’t know what it is if that is not the epitome of an oxymoron. People flock to hear, emulate, and be under the tutelage of these leaders who hobnob with the rich and famous and grace our TV/phone screens with “cool” words from the Lord. As strutting peacocks parading across the stage, dropping nuggets of knowledge as seen through their rose-colored lenses, these questionable teachers are more concerned with image over substance. Many have fallen in love with the tickling of the ears while listening to leaders devoid of sound doctrine, as told to us in 2 Timothy,
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
Can you see it? What’s missing in this picture? Most sheep following these false prophets are under the impression they have arrived. The conversation has turned more into branding their Christianity than being branded by it. This lifestyle is in direct contrast to Paul, who, in 2 Corinthians 10, in his appeal to the Corinthians, identifies himself with humility and gentleness. There is no arrogance, no “I have arrived” moment; instead, he refers to being timid when face to face and bold while away. The church wasn’t all that dissimilar to what we are witnessing today. Paul points out to the believers that they have been judging by appearances in verse 7 of 2 Corinthians. Another way of saying it is, ‘Not everything that glitters is gold.’ What is a teachable, knowledge-seeking, wisdom-loving believer to do?
Paul answers that question in verses 5 & 6-
5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 6 And we will be ready to punish every act of disobedience, once your obedience is complete.
Everything that sets itself against the knowledge of Christ must come down. The shepherds we should seek to impart knowledge and wisdom are those who solely point to Christ, his finished work on the cross, and the obedience that comes from following him. Anything else must be taken captive!
This may sound extreme, but the body of Christ is besieged at the moment, led astray by those with lofty ambitions, none of which has anything to do with godly wisdom and knowledge. It was mentioned in a previous devotional that the time has come to return to the basics and the simplicity of the gospel. To seek out humble messengers of the gospel like Paul, whose interest wasn’t in expanding his platform but in reaching the lost and strengthening believers. May we be captured again by our first love, a deep awakening for truth, a teachable heart to sift the real from the false.
May we desire not just acquiring godly knowledge but working in conjunction with its wise application. This acquisition takes time, diligence, and perseverance, as one would seek out a treasure. God is faithful in answering the call of our pursuit of truth. The world is desperate for those who, like salmon, would swim against the current of the culture, the flashy, and the superficial to obtain what is on the Father’s heart for this generation.
Father, may we crave spiritual knowledge and wisdom that can only come from you. We take every thought or pretense captive that sets itself against you. We humbly seek to learn your word with passion. Father, raise shepherds who long to teach, mentor, and counsel your people in all godly instruction. Give us teachable hearts that, like Paul, boldly pursue what is on your heart for your people. Amen!
For more devotional topics from Katherine, check out her website
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