Numbers 2-3; Mark 13; Job 13 Have you ever been so lost in your salvation that even the light became dark to you? It’s not something we often hear shared on Sunday mornings, and I, for one, can understand why. Darkness in the light isn’t a celebratory concept. Yet, in my real life, outside the […]

May 13, 2024

Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Finding Light in Your Darkest Moments

Deepening Faith: Reflective Journal Prompt Reflect on the call to love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. What does it mean for you to be “all in”? How is the Lord stirring your heart right now, and what steps can you take to respond fully to His call over your life? […]

May 8, 2024

The Call to Be All In: Finding Purpose in Loving God Fully

Genesis 3, 39; Mark 2; Job 2 Before I began my reading for today, I was browsing through the comments on yesterday’s post. My dear friend and devotional contributor, Marcia Thorsell, was reflecting on yesterday’s reading from Job 1. She shared this insight: “I found something interesting as I read Job 1. For some reason, […]

April 30, 2024

Divine Provocations: Unpacking God’s Taunting in the Book of Job

Zechariah 9-10; Revelation 19; Lamentations Guest Blog Post: Patty Bellingham Where is my Google Maps app? As I read today’s passages, I sometimes feel lost with all of the symbolism and need some direction. Do you sometimes feel that way when you read prophecy? It is so foreign to us, but our great and marvelous […]

April 26, 2024

Unveiling Divine Promises: Navigating Lamentations and Revelation’s Stark Realities

Zechariah 4-6; Revelation 17; Lamentations 1 Has the Lord ever compelled you to step out in great faith? Then you know it’s terrifying. There’s nothing quite like stepping out of the boat and onto nothing but water. There’s nothing reasonable about stepping out of that boat. The Lord calls us into the unknown, and all […]

April 23, 2024

Daring Faith: Embracing the Unknown in God’s Plan

Micah 4-5; Philemon; Ecclesiastes 10 Recently, my son Judah shared something intriguing with me. He was watching a YouTube video that delved into the book of Philemon, a book I hadn’t deeply considered before. The YouTuber spent 22 minutes exploring the story of Onesimus, and how Paul’s advocacy on his behalf mirrors how Christ advocates […]

April 19, 2024

Beyond Redemption: Unlocking the Transformative Power of Forgiveness in Philemon

Before diving into our reading, let’s reflect on the book of Hebrews. Its authorship remains anonymous, diving straight into the supremacy of Jesus without distraction. My hunch? It could have been penned by a woman, perhaps Priscilla. This thought isn’t rooted in solid evidence, merely personal speculation, but it intrigues me. The idea of a […]

April 10, 2024

Unlocking Eternal Promises: Embracing Our Inheritance Through Christ

Ezekiel 37-38; Hebrews 5; Ecclesiastes 1 Over the last several weeks, namely because of my current role, I’ve been pondering the Gospel. My job is to lead an altar call twice a week. I don’t preach the message, but I give the altar call. And so, the altar call has become the most important part […]

April 9, 2024

Beyond the Altar: Living in the Fullness of Christ’s Victory

Ezekiel 16; 2 Corinthians 13; Psalm 21 Guest Post: Patty Bellingham Are you excited, fellow Christians? Let’s get excited! This is Holy Week! I love Phil Wickham’s song, “Sunday Is Coming.” There is a line in it that says, “Friday’s good ’cause Sunday is comin’.” For myself, as I re-read the account of our dear […]

March 27, 2024

The Power of Restoration: Embracing Unity and Love in the Shadow of the Cross

Guest Devotional Post- Katherine Brey Ezekiel 9-10, 2 Corinthians 10, Proverbs 18 You may have heard the saying, “No one likes a know-it-all.” In other words, people who believe there is no room for growth or gaining further knowledge are people who have never read Proverbs 18- v. 15 The heart of the discerning acquires […]

March 23, 2024

Discernment in the Modern Age: Unmasking the Allure of Celebrity Pastors