Ezekiel 7-8; 2 Corinthians 9; Proverbs 17 Peace cannot be overrated. To live in peace within ourselves, with our God, with one another… what could be more important? I’m thinking back to the time our family spent in Israel several years ago. I had the incredible opportunity to host a prayer gathering outside of Jerusalem, […]

March 22, 2024

Shabbat in the Modern World: Rediscovering God’s Peace

Exodus 16-17; Matthew 11; Psalm 107 One of the most remarkable concepts in all of the Word, for me, is God’s command to take a Sabbath. He commands Israel to rest. I don’t know if we can imagine the utter shock of that call. Consider the context: The people of Israel have been enslaved for […]

January 12, 2024

Embracing Sabbath Rest: A Journey of Trust and Providence