In a culture where we demand acceptance, regardless of compliance with anything but the standards we create, this ancient text is especially relevant. Thousands of years have passed, and yet human nature remains almost shockingly unchanged.

May 11, 2023

God’s Acceptance

I’m ready to be found. I’m tired of this old game. The one where I hide in my shame and despair, feeling cut-out, rejected and abandoned.

But the truth is unbearable. I fell for the lie. Again. I was deceived. I turned my back. I was the one who disregarded Him. I was the one who maligned His character.

And yet!

May 5, 2023


man walking in the darkness

Consider the One who gave it all. Consider the Man who did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but put on humanity to redeem us. Whatever you need, look at Jesus! Look upon Jesus. He will save you. Over and over, He will save you.

May 1, 2023

Look to God, and be Saved!

jesus wearing a crown calling us to look upon him