Through his suffering, Jacob learned the way of obedience, just as we do. In Laban, he confronted not only external mistreatment but also the reflection of his own character flaws. Jacob’s inclination toward deception and cheating was mirrored by Laban’s similar disposition. It was in the crucible of enduring mistreatment, caused by his own mirrored flaws, that Jacob was apprehended by the fear of the Lord.
Jacob made many mistakes. He usurped his brother’s birthright and deceived his father, stealing Esau’s final blessing. There isn’t much commendable in his actions. Jacob was conniving and deceitful, willing to hurt others for personal gain.
And yet! And yet, something else was stirring within him. He desired the blessing, esteemed the birthright, and longed to be chosen. That desire for God’s blessing holds significance.
In my childhood, uncertainty used to trouble me. I longed for a clear plan and sought assurance. When I asked about the plan, my father would often respond with the word “probably.” Oh, how I despised that word! I was too young to articulate it correctly and would reply, “Please don’t say ‘pobity’.” “Probably,” or “pobity,” lacked the certainty I craved.
We believed the Word. We trusted the process. We endured the delay. And now… Now, it’s time to lay the promise and the journey at His feet. Every fear and doubt from within and outside crowd in close. “What a waste! It makes no sense!” Accusations encircle us, attempting to ensnare and destroy us with the very Word of promise we’ve believed…
Genesis 15:5-6 5 And he brought him outside and said, “Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 6 And he believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness. Abraham stood with the Lord, gazing up […]
There is nothing more exhilarating than being called by God. The God of the universe, our heavenly Father, calls us, and suddenly it feels like our life has begun. He calls us out of our familiarity, out of our comfort zone, and beyond our known skill set. We embark on a journey that He is charting for us.
I’m ready to be found. I’m tired of this old game. The one where I hide in my shame and despair, feeling cut-out, rejected and abandoned.
But the truth is unbearable. I fell for the lie. Again. I was deceived. I turned my back. I was the one who disregarded Him. I was the one who maligned His character.
And yet!