Hi!  A few thoughts from today’s reading.  Especially focused on these verses from Galatians 1. Galatians 1 11Beloved ones, let me repeat emphatically that the gospel entrusted to me was not given to me by any man. 12No one taught me this revelation, for it was given to me directly by the unveiling of Jesus […]

June 17, 2024

Christ In Us: The Hope of Glory!

Exodus 24-25; Matthew 15; Psalm 111 God has something in mind. He has a plan. There is a pattern. How many things have we built over the years because they seemed like a good idea? We want to bless God, and we think we know best what moves His heart, only to find He wasn’t […]

January 17, 2024

Aligning with God’s Will: Understanding Divine Preferences and Plans

Exodus 20-21; Matthew 13; Psalm 109 In the simplicity of our faith, there’s a profound truth: Our God desires no extravagant offerings of gold or silver. Instead, He asks for something far more humble yet infinitely more precious – an altar made of earth. Exodus 20 23 “You shall not make gods of silver to […]

January 15, 2024

Offering Our Earthen Altars: Embracing Humility in Worship

Exodus 14-15; Matthew 10; Psalm 106 Deliverance is dangerous business! Coming out of slavery, being chased down by your angry captors, is not for the faint of heart. Of course, you already know that! I know you remember those days when you were finally and suddenly liberated from some addiction that had nearly destroyed your […]

January 11, 2024

The Perilous Path to Freedom

January 8 Genesis 34-35; Matthew 7; Psalm 103 “Who is waiting on whom? Are you waiting on God, or is God waiting on you?” Years ago, I received a special invitation to attend a gathering featuring a wise, nearly 100-year-old man who would speak about Jesus. As we entered a small, intimate living room, about […]

January 8, 2024

Divine Encounters and Quiet Whispers

Day 5 – January 5Genesis 30, 31; Matthew 5; Psalm 101 Can we demand justice? Anyone who thinks Jesus is some weak, cardboard-like, soft, pansy of a man has not been properly introduced. Even a brief perusal of the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5, reveals that our Jesus is a revolutionary. He […]

January 5, 2024

Finding Freedom: Embracing Jesus’ Revolutionary Message in a World of Injustice

Day 3 – January 3Genesis 26, 27; Matthew 3; Psalm 99 We often reduce the Gospel to a mere history lesson, but this approach does it a great disservice. Indeed, Jesus, the Son of God, walked among us in the flesh, revealing our Father’s nature and sacrificing His life on the cross – not only […]

January 3, 2024

Understanding God’s Plan: How Jesus Transforms Our Lives Beyond History

Day 2 – January 2Genesis 3-25, Matthew 2, Psalm 98 Have you ever fervently prayed for something, only to find that God’s answer plunges you into greater turmoil than you anticipated? I’ve experienced times when receiving exactly what I prayed for left me more baffled than ever before. God’s answers sometimes prompt more questions than […]

January 2, 2024

Navigating Life’s Questions: Finding God’s Purpose in Our Prayers and Trials

Exciting Announcement: Our January Pick is Here! Dear Book Club Family, As we step into a brand new year, I can’t think of a better way to start our reading journey together than by delving into the timeless narrative that has captivated hearts for generations. For January, I’ve chosen a true classic: “The Greatest Story […]

December 14, 2023

Welcoming 2024 with ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’

It’s official! I have accepted a role to pastor a new campus in Colorado Springs!! We’re so excited and have been longing to tell you. We waited until the church made the announcement yesterday, and now we’re heralding the news. This is a dream come true in so many ways. First off, some of our dearest […]

December 11, 2023

Embracing a New Chapter: First Love Revolution Church in Colorado Springs