The call to revival is not a pursuit of novelty, glitter, falling down, or any other external thing. The call to revival is the call to come to the Man, Christ Jesus! We’re not after just a little spice in our meetings! We’re after Jesus. We’re after God Himself. So, as a community, I want […]

May 22, 2024

Divine Intrusions: When Jesus Unexpectedly Enters Your World

Ezra 10; Nehemiah 1, 1 Corinthians 15; Proverbs 7 Let’s return to the Gospel, shall we? We’ve been looking at the state of the church and repenting for the idolatrous state of our hearts, which is good, right, and necessary. But now it’s time to refocus on Jesus, who alone is our hope of glory. […]

March 11, 2024

Awakening to Spirit: From Dust to Divine Revelation

We’ve been reading through the history of Israel and the long lineage of kings and rulers spanning hundreds of years. And for the most part, we see a dark history of apostasy and idolatry. Israel always turning away. Always forgetting the One who loves her best and most. It’s easy to judge and question a […]

March 4, 2024

Confronting Our Inner Apostasy: The Path to True Revival

1 Kings 15-16; Romans 10; Psalm 136 I’m getting home late from our Wednesday Night service. I usually try to stay ahead in our reading by at least a day, so I’m writing this post on Valentine’s Day. Tonight, God showed up. I tend not to exaggerate when describing meetings. In fact, I often lean […]

February 15, 2024

Reviving Your First Love: Rekindling Passion for God

1 Kings 9-10; Romans 7; Psalm 133 I’ve been thinking about the struggle. The real struggle to get free from wrong mindsets, from our brokenness, from the patterned pain of relationships. And this is good. It tends to be where I land most of the time. But considering the moment we are in, and what […]

February 12, 2024

Breaking the Chains: Confronting Personal Sin for True Spiritual Revival

Guest writer: Juniah Ramirez Leviticus 24-25; Romans 1; Psalm 127 (Romans 1:21)For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. I found today’s Bible reading to be quite impactful. Despite not being a child, […]

February 5, 2024

Elevating Faith Across Generations: A Call to Action for Young Believers

Leviticus 10-11; Matthew 24; Psalm 120 We are in a season of the Lord’s judgment, this much is certain. What has long been covered is being exposed. What has been winked at is now seen for what it truly is, a breach of faith toward the Lord of the most egregious kind. Some of our […]

January 27, 2024

God’s Answer in Disguise: Unveiling Revival Through the Lens of Divine Judgment

Throughout history, there have been regional outpourings of God that reshaped the landscape of time and space. Little forgotten places, where the Lord has poured out His Spirit in such a way that there was no denying His presence and sovereign choice. He chooses a place. A time. A people. And in a moment, everything […]

August 7, 2023

Igniting Mid-Tennessee: A Divine Encounter on This Mountain

Panoramic view of the beautiful Cumberland Plateau in Mid-Tennessee, showcasing rolling hills, lush greenery, and clear blue skies.