Leviticus 10-11; Matthew 24; Psalm 120 We are in a season of the Lord’s judgment, this much is certain. What has long been covered is being exposed. What has been winked at is now seen for what it truly is, a breach of faith toward the Lord of the most egregious kind. Some of our […]

January 27, 2024

God’s Answer in Disguise: Unveiling Revival Through the Lens of Divine Judgment

Leviticus 8-9; Matthew 23; Psalm 119 The fact that we are embraced by the world, no, more than that, applauded even, may be our greatest indictment. The prophets of old were stoned to death. The disciples who went before us were hung upside down on crosses. Now, in full disclosure, I have no desire to […]

January 26, 2024

Navigating the Tension: Faithful Living in a Comfort-Seeking World

Leviticus 6-7; Matthew 22; Psalm 118 Have you ever tried to plan something or include people in a project who just couldn’t care less? It’s painful. Painful because maybe you thought there was initial excitement. Painful because you believed there was initial agreement. Painful because you spent lots of time and energy preparing for some […]

January 25, 2024

Answering God’s Call: Navigating Life’s Rejections and Divine Invitations

Day 5 – January 5Genesis 30, 31; Matthew 5; Psalm 101 Can we demand justice? Anyone who thinks Jesus is some weak, cardboard-like, soft, pansy of a man has not been properly introduced. Even a brief perusal of the Sermon on the Mount, found in Matthew 5, reveals that our Jesus is a revolutionary. He […]

January 5, 2024

Finding Freedom: Embracing Jesus’ Revolutionary Message in a World of Injustice

Day 2 – January 2Genesis 3-25, Matthew 2, Psalm 98 Have you ever fervently prayed for something, only to find that God’s answer plunges you into greater turmoil than you anticipated? I’ve experienced times when receiving exactly what I prayed for left me more baffled than ever before. God’s answers sometimes prompt more questions than […]

January 2, 2024

Navigating Life’s Questions: Finding God’s Purpose in Our Prayers and Trials