Hebrews 8, Ezekiel 43-44, Ecclesiastes 4 Guest Post: Patty Bellingham Wasn’t the eclipse amazing? People across the United States prepared with special approved solar viewing glasses, lawn chairs, and, if necessary, plane tickets to witness it in the “path of totality.” After all, the eclipse was accessible only to those who were “in the path.” […]

April 11, 2024

Eclipsing the Old Covenant: Embracing Jesus’ Eternal Priesthood

Ezekiel 37-38; Hebrews 5; Ecclesiastes 1 Over the last several weeks, namely because of my current role, I’ve been pondering the Gospel. My job is to lead an altar call twice a week. I don’t preach the message, but I give the altar call. And so, the altar call has become the most important part […]

April 9, 2024

Beyond the Altar: Living in the Fullness of Christ’s Victory

Ezekiel 19-20; Ephesians 2; Proverbs 23 One of the most profound truths that has ever dawned upon my soul comes from Ephesians 2. And my prayer for you today is that what has so captured me will capture your heart as well. Most times, the Gospel is preached as a history lesson only. We recount […]

March 29, 2024

Seated with Christ: The Ultimate Invitation from Ephesians 2

Ezekiel 16; 2 Corinthians 13; Psalm 21 Guest Post: Patty Bellingham Are you excited, fellow Christians? Let’s get excited! This is Holy Week! I love Phil Wickham’s song, “Sunday Is Coming.” There is a line in it that says, “Friday’s good ’cause Sunday is comin’.” For myself, as I re-read the account of our dear […]

March 27, 2024

The Power of Restoration: Embracing Unity and Love in the Shadow of the Cross

Guest post by Juniah Ramirez Ezra 2-3; 1 Corinthians 11; Proverbs 3 These were some heavy chapters today. In 1 Corinthians 11, there’s a lot of correction about being together and coming together—not just for the better, but for the worse. The focus wasn’t on the Lord; it was mainly on themselves hindering quite a […]

March 6, 2024

Rediscovering Communion: A Call to Intimacy with Jesus

Reflecting on Romans 14, we see a clear directive: “Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.” Who are we to judge another’s servant? Each person stands or falls before their own master, […]

February 20, 2024

Breaking the Chains of Division: Rediscovering Unity in Christianity

1 Kings 17 1 Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.” Throughout the sermons I’ve heard or preached over the years, this verse has […]

February 16, 2024

Who Will Stand in the Council of the Lord? The Call for Devotion and Obedience

1 Kings 15-16; Romans 10; Psalm 136 I’m getting home late from our Wednesday Night service. I usually try to stay ahead in our reading by at least a day, so I’m writing this post on Valentine’s Day. Tonight, God showed up. I tend not to exaggerate when describing meetings. In fact, I often lean […]

February 15, 2024

Reviving Your First Love: Rekindling Passion for God

1 Kings 11-12; Romans 8; Psalm 134 How many believers find themselves still ensnared by the power of sin? How many live burdened under the yoke of condemnation? I know many. Undoubtedly, you do too. Let’s be honest: there are times when we all lose sight of the Truth. The Gospel, in its full splendor, […]

February 13, 2024

Breaking Free from Sin’s Grip: The Ultimate Guide to Living in Victory

Photo Credit: Noya Fields Family Guest Post:  Debra Wynn  1 Kings 5-6; Romans 5; Psalm 131 Years ago, I heard a phrase in my sleep:“simple devotion.” When I awakened, I found our beloved kitty “Mel” (short for Melchizedek, of course) dead on our doorstep, curled around himself, as if asleep. God had prepared me in […]

February 9, 2024

Embracing Simple Devotion: The Path to Peace and Maturity in Faith