Zechariah 4-6; Revelation 17; Lamentations 1 Has the Lord ever compelled you to step out in great faith? Then you know it’s terrifying. There’s nothing quite like stepping out of the boat and onto nothing but water. There’s nothing reasonable about stepping out of that boat. The Lord calls us into the unknown, and all […]
Zechariah 1-3; Revelation 16; Ecclesiastes 12 Are we dealing with an angry God? Are we abandoned in our sin? More and more, I’m asking the Lord for revelation on what the Gospel is and what it isn’t. The more I press in, the more I see that we have gotten off track—off in our understanding, […]
Micah 4-5; Philemon; Ecclesiastes 10 Recently, my son Judah shared something intriguing with me. He was watching a YouTube video that delved into the book of Philemon, a book I hadn’t deeply considered before. The YouTuber spent 22 minutes exploring the story of Onesimus, and how Paul’s advocacy on his behalf mirrors how Christ advocates […]
Micah 1-3; Hebrews 13; Ecclesiastes 9 First of all, I think Hebrews may be my new favorite book. Reading it through The Passion Translation has been absolutely wonderful this time around. As you may have noticed, the book is not signed by an author. I’ve heard theologians attribute it to Paul, and recently I heard […]
Jonah 3-4; Hebrews 12; Ecclesiastes 8 Because the New Covenant often gets preached as an extension of the Old, it can take us years, maybe even a lifetime, to discern that the Good News is actually really good news. If the Gospel has ceased to be good news to you, then let’s look at this […]
Jonah 1-2; Hebrews 11; Ecclesiastes 7 The reality of Heaven is all around us. The message of Jesus is exactly this: “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2) It’s invisible, yet fully present and fully active. The scriptures tell us plainly that the glory of God covers the earth. (Isaiah 6) This is […]
Ezekiel 47-48; Hebrews 10; Ecclesiastes 6 Hebrews 10:10By God’s will, we have been purified and made holy once and for all through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus, the Messiah! Let’s start with the Good News! In fact, read it again… Hebrews 10:10By God’s will, we have been purified and made holy once and […]
Ezekiel 45-46; Hebrews 9; Ecclesiastes 5 I’m coming back to the wonder of the Gospel! And I’m consumed with it. Consumed with the invitation we have to come in close, face to face with the One who loves us best and most. Do you ever go through seasons where you just feel dull? It’s like […]
Ezekiel 41-42, Hebrews 7, Ecclesiastes 3 Guest Post: Katherine Brey Some may feel that time is a nemesis. It isn’t! There is a neutrality to time; it has no personal motivation or emotion. With each gliding of the minute hand on a clock, we realize that time is a gift. Time is never more evident […]
Hebrews 8, Ezekiel 43-44, Ecclesiastes 4 Guest Post: Patty Bellingham Wasn’t the eclipse amazing? People across the United States prepared with special approved solar viewing glasses, lawn chairs, and, if necessary, plane tickets to witness it in the “path of totality.” After all, the eclipse was accessible only to those who were “in the path.” […]