2 Chronicles 22-23; 2 Timothy 4; Jeremiah 24 I’m way behind. So behind, in fact, that rather than trying to catch up, I just reenlisted my heart again and picked up where we are in this week’s reading. We have had a lot of staff changes, and the truth is, it’s just been hard to […]

July 23, 2024

Paul’s Final Words: Embracing Humanity and Hope in Faith

2 Kings 11-12; 1 Corinthians 3; Psalm 145 Well, I’ve been writing a lot lately. I’ve been processing a lot. And you know, that’s what we are supposed to do as we read through the Word. It’s supposed to provoke and heal, expose, cut, and divide. The Word is reading us, revealing our innermost thoughts. […]

February 26, 2024

Beyond the Facade: Awakening to a Genuine Jesus Movement

Are you dealing with immature people? Is it doing its intended work in you? Ugh. Church is hard. Building together, working through issues as they arise, is tough work. Partnering with God in ministry, marriage, and business is not for the faint of heart, to be sure. We want what we want, we see things […]

February 21, 2024

Embracing the Mess: Finding Unity in a Divided Church

Photo Credit: Noya Fields Family Guest Post:  Debra Wynn  1 Kings 5-6; Romans 5; Psalm 131 Years ago, I heard a phrase in my sleep:“simple devotion.” When I awakened, I found our beloved kitty “Mel” (short for Melchizedek, of course) dead on our doorstep, curled around himself, as if asleep. God had prepared me in […]

February 9, 2024

Embracing Simple Devotion: The Path to Peace and Maturity in Faith

Leviticus 8-9; Matthew 23; Psalm 119 The fact that we are embraced by the world, no, more than that, applauded even, may be our greatest indictment. The prophets of old were stoned to death. The disciples who went before us were hung upside down on crosses. Now, in full disclosure, I have no desire to […]

January 26, 2024

Navigating the Tension: Faithful Living in a Comfort-Seeking World

Exodus 30-31; Matthew 18; Psalm 114 I’m not entirely sure if I fully grasp the depth of what Jesus is saying to us here, but I want to delve into it with you. Recently, I met with a woman who had been praying for many years for our building to be acquired by a church. […]

January 20, 2024

Exploring Generational Forgiveness and Child-like Faith in Christianity

Exodus 22-23; Matthew 14; Psalm 110 Everything about the New Testament example we have in Jesus is impossible to emulate in the flesh. God leads us into areas of obedience where we will become immediately acquainted with our own lack. Every part of being discipled by Jesus, in fact, leads us to that very conclusion: […]

January 16, 2024

Embracing Divine Strength in Human Weakness: Lessons from Jesus’ Ministry

Exodus 20-21; Matthew 13; Psalm 109 In the simplicity of our faith, there’s a profound truth: Our God desires no extravagant offerings of gold or silver. Instead, He asks for something far more humble yet infinitely more precious – an altar made of earth. Exodus 20 23 “You shall not make gods of silver to […]

January 15, 2024

Offering Our Earthen Altars: Embracing Humility in Worship