Leviticus 8-9; Matthew 23; Psalm 119 The fact that we are embraced by the world, no, more than that, applauded even, may be our greatest indictment. The prophets of old were stoned to death. The disciples who went before us were hung upside down on crosses. Now, in full disclosure, I have no desire to […]

January 26, 2024

Navigating the Tension: Faithful Living in a Comfort-Seeking World

Exodus 18-19; Matthew 12; Psalm 108 I’ve been tracking on a dream from a friend for the last week or so, pondering how the Lord may be asking us to respond to Him in this season. In the dream, a man said, “The consecration needed for this time in history will require an ‘OTHER THAN’ […]

January 13, 2024

Choosing ‘Other Than’ Consecration: A Call to Deeper Relationship with God