Ezra 4-5; 1 Corinthians 12; Proverbs 4 There will always be opposition to the Word of the Lord. After all, we are in a war. It is kingdom against kingdom, just as Jesus said. And so, if you find yourself in a wrestling match, do not lose hope. Do not despair. Fight! Fight to keep […]

March 7, 2024

Overcoming Spiritual Opposition: The Battle for Your Calling

Eternal life means to know and experience You as the only true God and to know and experience Jesus Christ as the Son whom You have sent. — John 17:3 Prayer isn’t a subgroup or some department of the church. Relating to God is the whole point. Experiencing God is the big picture. Eternal life […]

September 20, 2023

Experiencing God

Leah Ramirez and her faithful companion, Wyatt, finding peace through prayer on the side of a highway.

There is nothing more exhilarating than being called by God. The God of the universe, our heavenly Father, calls us, and suddenly it feels like our life has begun. He calls us out of our familiarity, out of our comfort zone, and beyond our known skill set. We embark on a journey that He is charting for us.

May 18, 2023

Don’t Stop Here

A man standing alone in the desert, representing the exhilarating and challenging journey of following God's call into the unknown.