1 Kings 17 1 Now Elijah the Tishbite, from Tishbe in Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the Lord, the God of Israel, lives, whom I serve, there will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my word.” Throughout the sermons I’ve heard or preached over the years, this verse has […]

February 16, 2024

Who Will Stand in the Council of the Lord? The Call for Devotion and Obedience

1 Kings 15-16; Romans 10; Psalm 136 I’m getting home late from our Wednesday Night service. I usually try to stay ahead in our reading by at least a day, so I’m writing this post on Valentine’s Day. Tonight, God showed up. I tend not to exaggerate when describing meetings. In fact, I often lean […]

February 15, 2024

Reviving Your First Love: Rekindling Passion for God

February 14 1 Kings 13-14; Romans 9; Psalm 135 It’s been a long time since I read 1 Kings 13, I guess, and I was awestruck by this chapter. Maybe because, to be honest, I had forgotten this account. Maybe because the story seems especially relevant given all that is unfolding in the prayer movement […]

February 14, 2024

Exposing the False Prophetic Movement: A Call to Discernment and True Faith

1 Kings 11-12; Romans 8; Psalm 134 How many believers find themselves still ensnared by the power of sin? How many live burdened under the yoke of condemnation? I know many. Undoubtedly, you do too. Let’s be honest: there are times when we all lose sight of the Truth. The Gospel, in its full splendor, […]

February 13, 2024

Breaking Free from Sin’s Grip: The Ultimate Guide to Living in Victory

1 Kings 9-10; Romans 7; Psalm 133 I’ve been thinking about the struggle. The real struggle to get free from wrong mindsets, from our brokenness, from the patterned pain of relationships. And this is good. It tends to be where I land most of the time. But considering the moment we are in, and what […]

February 12, 2024

Breaking the Chains: Confronting Personal Sin for True Spiritual Revival

Guest Post:  Marcia Thorsell I Kings 7-8; Romans 6; Psalm 132 In the past, the thing I came away with from Romans 6 was vs 23, which I had memorized as a tool to lead someone to the Lord.  In fact, I have missed the point of this chapter.  It’s about freedom from sin.  Unfortunately, […]

February 10, 2024

Living in Victory Over Sin….No More Excuses

Photo Credit: Noya Fields Family Guest Post:  Debra Wynn  1 Kings 5-6; Romans 5; Psalm 131 Years ago, I heard a phrase in my sleep:“simple devotion.” When I awakened, I found our beloved kitty “Mel” (short for Melchizedek, of course) dead on our doorstep, curled around himself, as if asleep. God had prepared me in […]

February 9, 2024

Embracing Simple Devotion: The Path to Peace and Maturity in Faith

I Kings 3-4; Romans 4; Psalm 130 Guest Post:  Marcia Thorsell I’ve read about Solomon and his wisdom many times over the years, but this time raised a question for me.  When given the opportunity to make any request of God, he asked for wisdom and an understanding heart.  Would I have done that?  Probably […]

February 8, 2024

Unlocking Divine Wisdom: A Modern Seeker’s Guide Inspired by Solomon

Guest Post: Juniah Ramirez 1 Kings 1-2; Romans 3; Psalm 129 Romans 3:21-24 ESV“But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe. For there is no distinction: for […]

February 7, 2024

Breaking Free from Perfection: Embracing Faith Over Law in Our Spiritual Journey

Devotional Guest Post:  Debra Wynn  Leviticus 26-27, Romans 2, Psalm 128 He says what He means and means what He says. Reading Leviticus and paired with  Romans, to be honest, took a few days to digest.  Dare I say, the Fear of the Lord was palpable. Father God, Creator of the Universe, The One and […]

February 6, 2024

The Power of Obedience: Unlocking God’s Promises Through Holy Fear