2 Kings 15-16; 1 Corinthians 5; Psalm 147 Sometimes the Word speaks plainly enough for itself:  1 Corinthians 5 1 It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife. 2 And you are arrogant! Ought […]

February 28, 2024

Radical Purity: The Shocking Call of 1 Corinthians 5 to Expel Immorality

Devotional Guest Post:  Marcia Thorsell  II Kings 13-14,  Romans 4, Psalm 146 Continuing the theme from our reading yesterday out of Romans 3, Paul continues regarding the divisions they (we) create as we put leaders on pedestals and establish our own Top Ten list of leaders and ministers….or Top One list as in…this particular Pastor, […]

February 27, 2024

Servanthood vs. Stardom: The True Heart of Genuine Leadership

2 Kings 11-12; 1 Corinthians 3; Psalm 145 Well, I’ve been writing a lot lately. I’ve been processing a lot. And you know, that’s what we are supposed to do as we read through the Word. It’s supposed to provoke and heal, expose, cut, and divide. The Word is reading us, revealing our innermost thoughts. […]

February 26, 2024

Beyond the Facade: Awakening to a Genuine Jesus Movement

2 Kings 9-10; 1 Corinthians 2; Psalm 144 An open letter to the charismatic church: What are we wearing? We are being exposed. The church is being sifted and purified. Things are heating up. The Lord is coming after the dross, and He will not relent until He has it all. (Let the reader understand) […]

February 24, 2024

Exposed: Confronting the Dark Underbelly of Charismatic Christianity

2 Kings 7-8; 1 Corinthians 1; Psalm 143 You aren’t poor. In fact, you have everything you need! You live in the realm of more than enough. It’s true! You are the inheritor of all things good! You are dearly loved and valued, cherished above even the angels and seraphim. You are a co-heir with […]

February 23, 2024

Unlocking Spiritual Riches: Embracing the Cross for Ultimate Reality

2 Kings 5-6; Romans 16; Psalm 142 I’m convinced that the root of all our problems, whatever they are, is that for the most part, we are blind men walking. We grope along in our doubt, feeling our way through, scared of every rustle and creak. We need constant bolstering and encouragement to step out […]

February 22, 2024

Seeing Beyond Fear: Unveiling Spiritual Reality in a Blind World

Are you dealing with immature people? Is it doing its intended work in you? Ugh. Church is hard. Building together, working through issues as they arise, is tough work. Partnering with God in ministry, marriage, and business is not for the faint of heart, to be sure. We want what we want, we see things […]

February 21, 2024

Embracing the Mess: Finding Unity in a Divided Church

Reflecting on Romans 14, we see a clear directive: “Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for God has welcomed him.” Who are we to judge another’s servant? Each person stands or falls before their own master, […]

February 20, 2024

Breaking the Chains of Division: Rediscovering Unity in Christianity

1 Kings 21-22; Romans 13; Psalm 139 With all that is unraveling within the prayer movement, as we read through the scriptures together, I find myself reexamining what constitutes the true prophetic in our shared history and faith. It appears that the true prophetic voice is never popular or widely successful, according to the Word. […]

February 19, 2024

Unveiling the True Prophetic: A Call to Authentic Faith

Guest Devotional Post: Juniah Ramirez 1 Kings 19-20; Romans 12; Psalm 138 I recently immersed myself in the latest episodes of ‘The Chosen,’ and the intensity of the storyline truly captivated me. Despite its controversy, I hold a genuine affection for the show, recognizing its place as biblical fiction rather than a replacement for the […]

February 17, 2024

Navigating Faith and Controversy: A Critical Look at ‘The Chosen’ and Modern Challenges