Devotional Guest Post: Debra Wynn
Feb 29: 2 Kings 17-18, 1 Corinthians 6, Psalm 148
Idolatry has consequences.
In a nutshell, 2 Kings 17-18 highlights the fall and exile of a nation — in this case Israel — because of sin and idolatry. Unbelief is sin and trusting, fearing, worshiping any other thing or person (other than God) is idolatry. Israel feared God but also pagan gods (they were brought out from a polytheist culture), did secretly against the Lord things that were not right. They built high places, set up pillars and altars, and made offerings and served other gods on all of them. They even burned their children as offerings, used divination and omens, and sold themselves to do evil in the Lord’s sight. God warned through prophets and seers, but they would not listen. It was multigenerational, passed down from those who did not believe, or obey, or followed other customs.
“They went after false idols and became false.” 2 Kings 17:15b.
We become what we behold.
The consequences of idolatry set in motion the separation, the exile, and the domination of an oppressor nation.
Now pairing with the NT, reflecting on the first 5 chapters (or paragraphs) of Paul’s first Corinthians letter, he outlines the fundamentals: There are no other superstars, only Christ and Christ crucified; the wisdom of the world is folly with God, so heed the Spirit’s wisdom; do not go beyond what is written, that none may be puffed up; that the kingdom of God does not consist in talk but in power; and that sexual immorality (but not only) defiles the Church! We are to judge the insiders, so “Purge the evil person from among you.”
Chapter 6 is a clear continuation of “Do you not know” and “It is written” and “Do not be deceived” admonishments! What a letter! What clarity.
In addressing the grievances amongst Believers, we are given godly wisdom and protocol to judge in “trivial cases” — in other words, in civil, not criminal offenses. We are not to run to the ungodly to judge our brethren, but to do in-house; lawsuits are to our shame. God judges the outsiders; however, God will also judge all. As it is written, “The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived.” Paul lists succinctly the evil deeds of the flesh and says none who practice such things will inherit the Kingdom of God. It’s a comprehensive list of unrighteousness — and yet, I wonder if “idolatry” isn’t more a ROOT of them all. The first two of the Ten Commandments are: “You shall have no other gods before Me, and “You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath, or in the water under the earth.”
I found this definition by author Tim Keller: An idol is “anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, and anything that you seek to give you what only God can give.” sums it up pretty well.
I added a few, but here’s a list I found of some modern-day “idols”: Self. Wealth. Health. Fitness. Success. Intellect. Security. Approval. Relationships. Food. Comfort. Dreams. People . . . and Power.
I’ve had to return to the altar over and over again that which I gave to the Lord, and yet I keep taking it back. He’s a Jealous God. Idolatry is idolatry.
Paul says, “All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything.” One of the consequences of idolatry is the domination of an oppressor! Addiction of and to anything or anyone dominates. IT has taken God’s throne. Corinthians 10:13-14 says, “And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.” Addiction is idolatry.
Have we not made with our own hands idols of the Age? We become the victim of our own creation, our idol, which assumes power over us. The superstar celebrity egocentric power of then and today is truly breathtaking. But we cannot blame shift everything onto others; WE have made with our own hands high places, set up pillars and altars, and made offerings and served other gods on all of them. WE have made with our own hands. No hands are clean. My hands are not clean. I confess and repent.
I bought a new translation, a new hard copy of the Bible this year, and large print! (It’s helping!) To start afresh, with new eyes as if never having seen. I want God to take His place, to be the center of my heart. We need to know the “it-is-writtens.” Did you notice how many references in Paul’s letter? and Jesus so often said, “It is written . . .” If the Son of God refers, so must we. The word is flawless. We must keep digging deep and often and with reverence, not unlike an archeologist. As we keep on in His word, we are blessed with grace and truth and wisdom. Gold is never on the surface; paydirt is far below. scratching the surface leads to another, if we keep going!
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